Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday August 27 (Bryan and Defiance)

The weather was gorgeous today, there was a clear blue sky, lots of sun and a nice breeze. I went out for my walk and the guys were back again trimming the trees as per yesterday. 

After a shower we went out to the Williams Humane Society just outside Bryan to see their animals. They were very busy as tomorrow a large number of Feral cats that have been trapped are to be taken to be spayed/neutered. They will begin working at 4.30 am and there were a huge number of crates waiting to be filled.

We saw the cats first, starting with a bundle of kittens and some of them were very cute. We then went to the back room with the adult cats and again there were some gorgeous cats. 

One in particular took my eye as it had one amber eye and one blue eye. She was a very small, grey and white cutie, we discovered on leaving that she had been  mother, this was quite a surprise given her size! They were all very friendly and loved the attention. In the isolation room there was a mother with two young kittens.

We then went to view the dogs and those in the inside runs were very noisy, the outside dogs less so. One of the young dogs was being visited by his new owner to be and, with his big feet, he is obviously going to be a very big as an adult!! There were three cute puppies in one run as well as four or five other fine looking animals.

We then drove to Defiance so Lisa could do some shopping so she dropped me off at Biggby Coffee house so I could enjoy a Latte and read my book. Finally, it was back home to lovely home made spaghetti for tea!

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