Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thursday March 27 (NZ time) - the trip home!!

I forgot to say that at Fort Wayne security I was allowed to go through with my shoes and jacket on!! Lol, some things about being a wee bit older can be good!!

I had a good night's sleep and needed that for the long haul ahead. I did wake up very early to see snow again, it was being wind blown and was settling so there was a nice white coat everywhere, lol! The weather was very pleasant from inside, sunny but it was quite a bit colder than yesterday!

I had a lazy morning before checking out and heading to check in for my flight. The luggage cart was awesome especially with my suitcase with the broken wheel! Through security and I was TSA check in so no shoes off etc. not sure if it is part of being Star Alliance Gold!

Then headed for the Starbucks for my daily coffee and then to the United Lounge to kill time with WiFi access. I wandered to the gate just as my group was boarding. It is a full flight to very slow getting on due to the on board baggage! 

I had two bags free allowance so was OK here. Then we were all aboard but the checked baggage was still being loaded, they were not in any hurry so the flight was then late taking off! Finally some late bags arrived as well as the gate checked bags to be loaded!! Forty five minutes late taking off!
Farewell Chicago for the time being, I have got to know you a lot better this time round. After all the flights in and out I finally spent some time in the city, yay!!

It was a lovely flight through to San Francisco and we had some great views of the Rockies, I managed to take some photos with my IPad. The plane was a newish one, 737-900, so new it did not have any video screens so it was a long four and a half hours, lol! 

Of course we were late into SF but not late enough to bother me. I made my way to the shared lounge and managed to enjoy some Baileys and ice!! San Francisco airport has changed quite a bit and the areas that were under construction when I arrived have now been opened. It looks very good.

I boarded my Air NZ flight nice and early and had a champagne before we took off. I had an upgrade to Business Class so my seat will turn into a bed once I am ready to try and sleep. 

The movie selection was great, the second Hobbit movie, Frozen, Gravity and 12 Years a Slave to name but a few. I watched the Hobbit movie to start with as it is two and a half hours in length and by the time dinner was over I had nearly watched it all. I had some Baileys and ice with my coffee after dinner! I then watched Gravity over breakfast.

It was a good flight although bumpy most of the way but that is the usual with the jet stream in operation! I did manage some sleep, enough that I did not feel all washed up when I woke! 

When we landed we were asked to stay seated as there was a medical emergency on board. We did not have to wait too long and people behind the doors had to all leave via the left aisle to give the paramedics room to work. I hope the person is OK!

I picked up my Kahlua that I had ordered on the way out as well as my new IPad Air, maybe my last techno gift to myself! By the time I reached the carousel our luggage was on its way round so it only took ten minutes max from picking up my duty free to going through passport control and security, must be some sort of record, lol!

Then to the domestic baggage drop and this has all changed, this is what happens when you stay away so long! It is much better with more stands for checking bags. Finally, to the domestic lounge to wait for my plane to Napier and home!!

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