Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thursday March 27 (NZ time) - an extra piece of the puzzle

The plane to Napier was delayed by just enough that we got caught up in an evacuation of the buildings. Apparently, there was a fire in the cargo hold of a plane. 

We were outside for about half an hour and one of New Zealand's TV presenters (John Campbell) must have been travelling somewhere as he turned up and used his phone to send images back to base. I was talking to some of the regular travelers and they have never been in an evacuation there before. I just cannot seem to make that final flight home on time, lol!!

When we finally were allowed back in our flight was called fairly quickly and then there of course a queue to take off. One plane would land, one would take off, another would land and so on!! Better late than never!

It was a smooth flight back to Napier and it is a very pleasant 17 degrees celsius, almost too warm LOL!! Approaching Napier there were some clouds around but sunshine as well. Looking out of the plane I saw the most wonderful sight I have ever seen and unfortunately we had just been told to turn our devices off so no photo!!! When we passed over a piece of cloud the shadow of the plane could be seen on the cloud, the plane was in the centre of a perfect circular rainbow, it fitted the circle perfectly!! The shadow wold disappear when there was no cloud and the re-appear again, I am soooo disappointed I could not take a photo, words do not do the sight justice!!

I opened all my mail to discover I was called for Jury Service in February!! The note said if a person did not respond they could be fined $1,000.I rand the Ministry of Justice and was told the fine is only considered if they do not get enough people turn up, phew!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home!!! Wow, you were lucky to get to miss jury Duty!!! Thank goodness there were enough people to fill the obligation! LOL
