Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday March 24 - the start of the long trek home!

I woke up early on Sunday to go to the bathroom only to find on returning to my room that Milo had hopped in my bed. 
So I managed to squeeze in with him. I went back to sleep and when I woke, much later, I found Guido fast asleep beside me, his head on the pillow on his back with his front feet in the air, LOL!!

After a wonderful brunch, Lisa took me on to my last port of call in Paulding. We farewelled her family as well as the cats and dogs! It has been such a wonderful visit with Lisa and her family and I am so grateful for her friendship.

Pat had friends round for supper and we had a wonderful evening with lots of chat and laughter. 

I re-acquainted myself with Puzzone and Trusty. Puzzone is still a live wire but very loving and spent some time with me when I went to bed. 

Trusty is a bit shier than he used to be but I think that is because the house is quiet more often than not. He is still a lover boy and has become interested in basins, lol! The two of them are well suited together and play nicely, they both love chasing a ping pong ball around! 

I took my usual photos of the cats, lol I have so many similar photos!

On Monday we had a quiet morning and Pat took me to see her farm that she is hoping will be protected for wildlife. 

It would me good to see it in the fall as there are many trees. Thanks to Pat for her hospitality and friendship!

Becky picked me up at noon to take me to Fort Wayne to fly out on the first leg of my return home. 

We stopped at a Steak and Shake along the way to have lunch and I had a very nice BLT, I was impressed with the prices, very cheap.

After Becky dropped me off, I went and had a coffee, Seattle's best!! 

I had to pay $35 for my second checked bag which was smaller than some I saw being gate checked. On my query I was told I could apply for a refund, this it will try. 

The plane was in a bit early and we were all aboard ahead of time! There were empty seats in front and to the side, this guy said "Get comfortable!" and expected me to be a mind reader and know he was in the seat beside me, LOL!

We headed to Chicago on time, yay at least no hold ups at Fort Wayne! Now I am in Chicago I am in the hands of Air NZ so if any hold ups they get to look after me! I managed to con a free luggage cart out of the United Rep in Chicago and took it all the way to my hotel room, I am in the Hilton at O'Hare!! 

It means tomorrow I can take my bags directly to check in without worrying about the broken wheel on my main suitcase. Then I do not have to worry about it until I am in New Zealand!!! As I am allowed two free bags I will not have to pay any more!!

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