Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday March 22 - Home on the Range!!

I managed to catch up on my sleep this morning and we headed out mid afternoon to go to Cleland's Outdoor World in Swanton to go shooting at their range. Deena and Mike have their own handguns (a 9 and a 40) and also go shooting on a range in their home city. It was about a 40 minute drive and we were lucky as it was not very busy.

I had to give my passport over for them to hold on to while we were on the range and we rented one handgun, a 22, for Lisa and I to share. We also had to wear the ear protection but my glasses were OK for eye protection.

At the beginning, every time any one shot I flinched with the noise but after a short while I did not really notice it. we had to sign an exemption and read the safety rules. The lady who had sorted us out came in to make sure everyone was OK and to qualify everyone who had not shot this year. 

She was very helpful as the only shooting I have done was with an air rifle years ago when I used to live in the country. She made sure I knew how to use the gun and to always point it towards the target area. Then we were able to take turns firing the guns and we had two lanes between the four of us. I used the 22 and also tried the other two but found they had quite a kick on them so reverted to the 22. 

It was very interesting learning about the differences between the guns, how to operate them and how to load them. It was fun watching the others shoot as well as having my turns. I had a series of ten shots towards the end of our time and was quite pleased with the results!!

After our hour on the range we returned home and soon headed out to a Mexican restaurant, Mariachis, in Wauseon for dinner. It was a great meal and we did not have to wait long at all, I had one of the meals served on a sizzling platter!! After dinner we returned home via Tiny's Ice Cream Parlour, nuff said!!

Tomorrow, I move on for the final time and I have to thank Lisa and her family so much for involving me and for making sure I have had such a great and fun

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