Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday 1 March - travels to Winchester

Yesterday, was another beautiful day, blue skies and sunshine and so it did not feel as cold. The fresh snow from yesterday gave everything a fresh look. 

After breakfast we caught the bus into Ottawa. I had a coffee at my usual Starbucks we walked through the Rideau building to catch another to where Diane, Madeleine and Penny all work. We were meeting up with the latter as we were as we were going out to Penny's house in Winchester about forty kilometres south of Ottawa.

Diane was at great pains to tell me that the front of her building was the windiest place in the world, I told her about Wellington - but at least Wellington does not have the wind chill factor! When we got there, surprise, no wind!!

As I had to use the restroom I ended up in the federal building where they work leaving my passport at the desk to be picked up on my way out! Another new experience!!

We arranged to meet Penny at the Tim Horton's in Winchester and off we went. It was a pleasant drive and once we had left Ottawa behind we saw fields of snow as well as some new areas of housing under construction.

It took just over an hour and I decided to get a coffee while we waited. 

Well, it was the slowest service ever, with one lady taking the order, making the coffee and serving any food. There were a few people around so they just needed organising!

We stopped at an LCBO outlet and at last I found my drink, hard cider, it was Strongbow which comes from the UK so I was very happy!!

At Penny's we met her three dogs, Nacho (cocker spaniel), Wicket and Bella (related, part yorkie) as well as her two cats, Gizzy (Gizmo, grey & white) and Cricket (black & white). Bella is a bit shy but the other two dogs are very playful and loving. 

The two cats both needed time but l love to be loved, Gizzy especially is a lap cat!
We had a great Chinese tea ordered from a local cafe and then played Rummy 500. There were many laughs during a great evening with good friends. 

Penny also played the Classic Jukebox on the TV and it was great to hear so much music from way back when.

Today, we woke to more snow overnight, about two inches, it made everything look so nice and white again!! We went to The Country Kitchen for a late breakfast, called a greasy spoon breakfast - not sure why!! I had French Toast with bacon and it was delicious!! After breakfast, thanks Penny for mine, Penny headed back home and the three of us headed back to Gatineau and Hull. 

On the way we say a couple of snowmobiles, I have never ridden one of those and would really love the experience!! The extra snow was obvious and as we headed through Ottawa it started snowing again, there had obviously been snow overnight at Diane's home.

We got a good welcome home from Minou and as I write this it is snowing very steadily again!!

1 comment:

  1. I will see if I can get a friend with a snowmobile to take you for a ride!!
