Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday March 3 - last day in Gatineau

It was another lazy start yesterday, the weather was sunny and not quite so cold. 

Diane put the harness on Minou so she could go outside for a short time. The poor cat was looking for grass but had no luck of course. It did give an opportunity for more photos though!

Later, we  took the bus into Ottawa for the last time so I could shout Diane lunch at one of her favourite Thai restaurants. They have combined with a Chinese restaurant so it is a varied menu with a lot of choice. 

The food was very tasty and it was a worthwhile trip. We finished in time to catch an earlier bus than we thought, this was good as the buses only run once an hour!

Back at base! I downloaded the photos and caught up on some emails I needed to send. 

Minou seems to have fully accepted me now, just as I am about to leave. Typical!!!

Last night she even came in and wandered round the bedroom before jumping up onto the bedside cabinet!!  

We then settled in to watch the Oscars and I have never watched them all the way through before. I loved the way Ellen went into the audience and the photo shoot was awesome! I also reckon the right film won the Best Film award!

It is with some sadness that I leave Canada, I have had a wonderful time and Diane has looked after me so well. I have really appreciated it and no words can really express my gratitude!

Well, I came into the USA with eleven weeks ahead of me and I wondered how I would survive especially in winter!! 

Now there are only three weeks left and I think I am used to the cold now, just! I will never grumble about "cold" days in Napier again, I am talking 40 to 50 degrees F, LOL!

Today was yet another glorious day, all along the way from Ottawa through Toronto and on to Cleveland. I said my goodbyes to Minou and then to Diane and headed to the airport by taxi. The driver was quite the character and he took me the longer way but not to worry as we followed the Rideau canal and it was a beautiful drive. The cost was not too bad either. At the airport he shook my hand and said, "It was a pleasure to meet you". LOL, never had that before!

The flight to Toronto was on time and the landscape below was beautiful, Hull, where Diane lives, was 12 miles off the right hand side!

Well, Diane did warn me about Toronto! It took over an hour and a half to walk from the arrival gate, pass through the weird system they have for US Customs, through customs and through security again, then walk to the gate for the Cleveland plane!! Queues everywhere and they moved so slowly, I made it to the gate with ten minutes to spare before take off! Phew! I wish there was a way to by pass Toronto.

The plane to Cleveland was full so it was a bit of a squash! We took off on time and also arrived on time but at a gate far removed for the baggage collection area. By the time I arrived all the baggage had been removed from belt and put on one side!!

After all the walking I have done today between arrival areas and departure areas, I have decided that I prefer train stations to airports!!! Maybe next time I will use the trains everywhere!!

I rang the number for the shuttle and it arrived five minutes later, we then had to pick up two more people but it was not too long before I was at my hotel. The driver, Doug, pointed out some of the important features as well as giving us some information about Cleveland.

i popped out to get a few supplies for a nearby CVS Pharmacy store two minutes walk away. I then unpacked my bags and have to decide if I can take everything I have on with me!! The train will probably be fine but the flights might be another issue!!

it is strange being alone again after ten days with Diane. I love travelling on my own but one of the hardest things on this trip has been leaving the people who I have stayed with. They have all been so generous and looked after me so well, I am so very grateful and appreciative. 

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