Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday March 17 - farewell Batavia and my final rail trip

The night before last I developed a taste for a new drink, a Jack Daniels Tennessee Cider, it warmed the cockles of my heart!!! Irene kept filling my glass up and by the end of the evening the 750 ml bottle was empty. 

If Jemima had given birth to all her kittens on Saturday night they would have been well toasted! I am surprised I could actually climb the stairs to bed, lol!! Thanks Irene!!

Another beautiful day dawned yesterday for my last day in Batavia, blue skies although on the cool side. After a lazy start I had my breakfast and finished my packing. In the morning the deer were back in the trees behind the house, they must have come to say farewell!

Sneakers showed me a couple of her "tricks" including trying to select which food she will have from her hamper!! After making my farewells to her, we set off for Buffalo. Irene's friend Marge was coming as well and I was pleased that Irene would have company. 
We went to the Red Lobster for lunch/tea/dinner, not sure which meal it was but it sure was good. I had a lobster tail, shrimp skewer and scallops, it was delicious and I then finished with a Kahlua coffee! Mmmmmmm.

They then took me to the Depew Amtrak station and I made my final farewells. That has been the only part of my trip I have not liked, the farewells!! It has been wonderful to meet people and I just hope I get the opportunity to meet them and more in the future.

Irene treated me royally and looked after me so well, it was a great week, lots of fun,  some great food/drink and, of course, the snowmobile ride!! Thanks so much Irene I really appreciate your kindness.

The train was half an hour late arriving and just over an hour later at my destination, lol, not too bad by Amtrak standards, it meant I arrived at 8.15 am! 

I managed to get some sleep eventually but was feeling a bit frayed at the edges when I arrived at my accommodation. I unpacked and then decided to sit down, bad move, I fell asleep and did not wake up until abut 2.00 pm!! I am not sure whether I felt better or worse!

I then wandered out, found a Tim Horton so had a coffee and then discovered a Walmart just behind the Tim Horton so picked up some supplies. I headed back to base and had a quiet evening.

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