Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday March 15 - Pay it Forward Day

It was damp following last night's rain and it was obvious that the thaw had set in. The temperature was cooler today and the wind was cold.

After a lazy start we drove out to the Iroquois Wildlife Center and then drove along to one of the elevated observation areas. There was not much to be seen and it looked bleak today, I am sure it will be very different in a month or so. The wind was very cold and so we did not stay long.

We covered some of the same ground that we travelled on Thursday for the snowmobile and the difference in the landscape was amazing, so many fields had lost all the snow that was there two days ago!

We returned to Batavia and lunch at the coffee Culture. I was waiting to get a second cup of coffee when this man, with I assume his wife, in front of me told me to order and then put my purse away! Wow, nothing like that has ever happened to me before! I now have to pay that forward!

Tonight, Irene introduced me to Tennessee Cider, 'nuff said, cheers!!!!

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