Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday January 28 - meeting another chatter

Today was a bitter sweet day in many ways!

After breakfast at the hotel I wandered up to a Walgreens, situated not far from the Space Needle, to buy some cough mixture. I had developed a cold in CA and, as per usual, it has gone to my chest - hence mucho coughing!! I sure hope it helps break the cough, nothing worse than coughing half the night!! Anywy, on to today.

I met with Cindy, daughter of Bev Miles, today, she collected me from the hotel and we went out for lunch. 

We ended up having fish and chips at Ivar's, one of the best places for fish and chips so I have been told! Quite a set up they have with a covered area for people to eat them if they don't want to do takeout! Of course, the seagulls think it is a good place too and I loved the sign they have up!! As it turns out, the food was rather good too!!

We then wandered along past the Piers, went into Ye Olde Curiosity Shop for a look round and had Sea Salt Taffy explained to me!! I had no idea what it was! 

We then found a Candy Store a bit further along that sold it so, of course, we went in!! Nuff said?? Then onto guess what - Starbucks for coffee. Just opposite to this there was a souvenir shop that had a lot of Sharks gear so Cindy brought her husband some for his birthday (tomorrow).

Today was cloudy but for a short time the Olympic Mountains appeared out of the cloud so I took the opportunity for yet another photo!! It was not too long before they disappeared again! Cindy's daughter worked in one of the high rise offices overlooking the Piers and, as she was texting her, we had to wave just in case!!!!!!!!!

It was not that far back to the hotel and then it was farewell to yet another lovely person who has met with me, I sure am one lucky person!! Thanks Cindy.

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