Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday August 14 (Okemos)

It was another very pleasant day weather wise although some locals saying it was cold, not cold by my standards. 

I walked to the Starbucks again for my morning coffee and then we went shopping for consumables for tea as well as consumables for the printer. I found some Pear Cider flavoured with Blackberry, very interesting mix but quite pleasant.

We have successfully printed from every device in the house now so we are well pleased. 

I took some photos of my new friend Fluffy as well as the outside, very shy, cat that Barbara feeds and would love to bring inside, I also took some of Buggly the Dachshund, he is quite elderly now but still trucking along!!

Tomorrow I head off again and it will be an early start as the train leaves at 7.45 am.

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