Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday August 25 (Base)

I had a quiet day today and watched the outside temperature peak at 95 degrees!! So I caught up on my blog, did my ironing and set up Lisa's new wireless printer. Most was accomplished, I just have to connect Lisa's laptop and phone.

I have not talked much about Lisa's gorgeous animals so maybe I should now. There are the dogs, Bruno who is 6 and Enzo who is 9. Then there are the cats, Nikko, the tuxi, who is 15 and Guido (who was Louis at FFRC) the tiger who is 2.

The dogs sleep in or outside my bedroom even when Lisa is home, I am convinced they are guarding me!! They hardly leave my side, lol!! 

Guido has always been the real love bug and sleeps on my bed a lot of the time. Nikko, though, has been the surprise package. Everything is on his terms but he has allowed me to pet him and he has hopped on my lap a couple of times.

I thought I would share a few photos I have taken! Bruno has the grey hairs round his eyes!! Oh, and Enzo snores, big time, lol!

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