Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuesday February 25 - Montreal

Well, I think this blog should be renamed, Janet's (Winter Wonderland) Adventures!!

We had an early start today as we wanted to catch the 9 am bus to Montreal, which meant an 8 am taxi. At the station I had to show my identification and the young guy serving us said "You are from New Zealand! What are you doing here? Get out of here!!" We had such a good laugh with him!

Then we had to go through security, bags searched and the old electronic wand over our bodies, I felt like a criminal! It was a good trip to Montreal and we arrived fifteen minutes early which was excellent. We were not far from our hotel so we went there and found we were able to check in which was useful.


We decided to catch the Metro to the Bio Dome which is beside the Big O, the Olympic Stadium where much of the Summer Olympics of 1976 took place. It took thirty years to pay the debt off! 

However, the Bio Dome was closed so we caught a bus that took us through the suburbs and ended up where we started at the bus depot! So back to the hotel and then we took a taxi to the Old Port.

This was great as it was the first time I have stood by the great St Lawrence River that connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. I learned all about it in Geography at school in the UK but cannot remember much now! 
We could see the dome, that was part of the World's Fair from the 1967, as well as the Clock Tower.
 It was fascinating to see lots of small huts on the ice where people can go Ice Fishing! We then wandered along to see people playing ice hockey and then an outdoor skating rink with music playing, it was supposed to be Classical Monday but did not sound like it! 

We have to be so careful walking round as many footpaths have not been cleared and we could find ourselves skating but not on a rink! I have also learned to wrap up against the cold!!

We found a souvenir shop where I got a few small items and Diane got a cheap Hoody! Then we walked back to the hotel and had a brief rest before we meet Suzanne for dinner. We waited at the Metro for Suzanne and finally met up with her. We then walked to a Restaurant Zyng, an Asian Grill, that I had find on Google maps and finally we found it. 

What a wonderful evening it was, good food and lots of laughter. I even tried a new drink, Zangria, red wine with mandarin. lychee and other fruit juices, it was very refreshing! 

Suzanne was very naughty and paid for dinner, she also gave me a lovely Dublin Crystal Heart. I will experiment with where to hang it when I get back home so it catches the sunlight! We chatted for a long time and then walked back to the metro with Suzanne before heading back to the hotel and sleep!!

I really understand about the wind chill in winter, it is a different cold when the wind blows and I realise why I need to cover as much of my face as possible.

The other feature of the day is that I am now in a totally different culture, French is the official first language and all signs are in French. It is just like being back in France! The French I learned at school is helping and I can recognise a few words, of course it helps to have Diane with me as she speaks French!

I slept in a wee bit while Diane was up and about walking back to the Old Port as well as other places. We then made our way to the Metro, what a wonderful way to travel, so fast! 

Along the way, Diane did her good deed for the day helping an old lady to walk across an icy patch and then the road!! 

At the station I grabbed an Almond Croissant (well at least that is what I asked for, it turned out to be an Apple Turnover!!!) and a Cafe Latee for breakfast and we did not have to wait too long for the train. 

The Bio Dome was ouvert, yay!!! We grabbed a locker and piled our bags and coats into it then went on our merry way. 

The first stop was the Amazon Rain Forest and boy was it warm and humid!! 

It was very interesting as there were many live animals and birds from that part of the world. 

We saw such a variety, poisonous frogs, a giant rat, monkeys, turtles, water birds of different species etc

We wandered through the other areas, mostly of the Quebec area, including fish, including Catfish and Sturgeon, as well as birds. 

We also saw some beautiful Bobcats in an enclosed area. 

We then found  ourselves on the sea shore in one place, complete with seagulls and a variety of sea birds. 

It was fun and I managed to get my elbow wet trying to get a  photo of a sea creature. I had been so used to things being enclosed, the open water fooled me!!!

We finally passed through the colder areas and there were a variety of penguins in residence with quite a few younger ones as well as Puffins. The funniest penguin was one with feathers on its head, it had such a funny look on its face! 

I managed to video a tete a tete between one of those and another penguin who tried to pass it.

We left the Bio Dome in plenty of time to catch the 2 pm bus to Ottawa and caught a Metro train that was coming in just as we were going down the stairs. 

It was a quick trip back to our usual station so time for another coffee and this time an Almond Croissant and then farewell to the young lady who served us and remembered us from the previous day! 

We walked to the bus station and then relaxed waiting for the bus It was the express so no stops before the Ottawa terminus. it was a good trip and at one point we saw a red squirrel run across the road not too far in front of us! 

We arrived ten minutes early and caught a taxi back to the store at the bottom of the road so I could get a few items and then home to dinner and a fairly early night for me.

I really enjoyed Montreal, the Metro is so handy and quick and there are any things to see. 

We did not even make it to the History Museum, maybe next time and not in winter.

I would certainly like to come back to the eastern part of Canada. It is very different from the west and The area where I am now is very different from Toronto. I have never been to Quebec City so would love to visit there as well as Prince Edward Island.

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