Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday February 17

Yesterday was a very quiet day, it was Sunday after all!!!

I needed a few supplies and had used Google to find a 711 store not very far away so off I tramped in the new snow. I walked along a footpath that had obviously only been used by one other person, footprints do not lie!!! Anyway, I found the store and they had my sparkling water so all was fine.

I then walked along to find the Starbucks that was very close to my hotel and enjoyed a Cafe Latte, my poison!! On the way back to the hotel it snowed again although only very lightly. I spent the evening quietly as well!!

Today, It was forecast to snow and the morning/early afternoon were fine. I had hoped to visit TCP today but heard no word so that has not happened, I heard later that Nancy had one of those days!. 

However, all being well, I will catch up with a chatter tomorrow and this evening I have been invited out to dinner so that will be lovely. However, about 3 pm the snow started and as I write this it is snowing very hard, at least I presume that is the correct description having nothing to really measure against!! It is certainly settling and much darker than this time yesterday! So i took a couple of photos from my bedroom window, LOL!!

Just an update, I had a lovely dinner with a wonderful supporter of TCP this evening, Barbara along with Rick. Then we went back to their house so I could meet some of her furries!!

Pictures of a couple of her cats, Lucky and Fluffy, she is the one playing with my coat!! Also, her 14 year old Fugly, a miniature dachshund.

She also took me down to the basement where has a wonderful setup for those she rescues, and she has rescued many cats and kittens.I had such an enjoyable time!

It snowed very heavily while we were at dinner and it was a winter wonderland out there. I know you guys have had enough of this weather but for me it was such a different experience!!

I would like to say that I continue to be humbled by the wonderful hospitality I have received right throughout my trip, much of it from people who have only met me online!! 

A HUGE THANK YOU from me!!


  1. We stayed at the Staybridge in California when we took the kids and grandkids to Disneyland. Its a great hotel!! The snow is beautiful! We are getting horrible winds and LOTS and LOTS of rain!!! The yard is flooding!!

  2. Are you finding many "Drive through" coffee shops there??? lol
