Tuesday, May 28, 2013

April 26 - May 10, FFRC

What can I say about FFRC other than it feels so much like coming home!!

The first weekend was so, so busy with lots of chatters to meet and get to know. It almost seemed chaotic at times but in a nice way! It was very much a fun weekend and the social event on the Sunday evening was very enjoyable. Of course, FFRC was now in full swing with kitten season and there were lots of people to help with feeding the babies that came in without a mother. As always FFRC is a very busy place and at times the pace is almost frenetic there are so many different things going on!

The two days between the weekend and the day of celebration after winning the $10,000 were relatively quiet, but then relative is an interesting word in itself!!  Wednesday April 28 is a day I will not forget in a hurry! It started early with a message from Jacci that the results had been announced at midnight (PT). I had a small taste of sardines early just to "warm up" so to speak! Then we came to the hair, I should never have let Jacci and Lynnette loose on it!! Green and yellow are the Australian colours and for a Kiwi that is a no go, thank goodness it washed off, I am not sure that would have let me back into New Zealand if it hadn't!! Jacci had the purple colour but did not like the spiky effect so she snuck away and washed hers out fairly early on!! Of course, the day will be remembered by me for the continued generosity of the viewers and the extra money that was raised for the sardine eating and for me NOT to have my hair shaved!!  Thanks to Cataman for his generosity and how could I compare the cost of a free hair cut with $1000 for FFRC, the decision was obvious!! There were two sardine eating sessions and thanks to the person who donated the can with the smaller sardines, I alternated one of those with larger varieties! My aim was to eat ten at each session if I could manage it and I did. My opinion on sardines, some varieties are better than others, they will never be my food of choice, I do not like them but can stomach them if I have to and the hot mustard sauce really helps!! One of the cans in the second session was a mustard one and that really helped me through the second set of ten!! It was a fun day all round, I think!

Thursday to Sunday were very quiet days for me and it was a weekend without visitors! A visit to the local bar on Thursday late afternoon was a highlight!

Monday saw the usual round of cats and kittens needing treatments and most of the,kittens were weighed again. Some of them even made the weight for Saturday's surgery day! Tuesday was Pedicure day, a kind supporter had paid for Jacci and I to go. It was my first ever and I thoroughly enjoyed it, right down to the bright red toe nails to match my slippers, of course Jacci chose Lavendar! the business continued through the rest of the week as Jacci attempted to catch up after the previous week. I helped out wherever I could and did manage some time with the cats and kittens.

Dahnay was still in Kitty Kastle and she is such a lovely girl. She will let herself be picked up but prefers not to be. She is a very big chirper, although not volume wise but certainly frequency wise! She will suit someone who wants a single cat to spend time with as she is a very loving companion. I just hope she will forgive me when she has to return to the centre and face the other cats again.

The rest of the week passed in a blur with a mix of computer stuff, cats to be tended, fed or just loved on and some evening readings from Homer's Odyssey. It is a wonderful book and the star is certainly a true inspiration but no more than many of the FFRC cats both past and present. Homer, a black kitty who is blind, reminds me so much of Pania in terms of his fearlessness.

Saturday was very busy with many surgeries and health checks, this was the final surgery in the Front Office, or at least that is what Jacci hopes! All the neuters and spays came through their ops in good shape although Kitty Q had a bit of a rough time. I watched one operation, a spay and it was very interesting to see how they perform that operation, Bonnie was very patient with me! There were of course lots of kittens to hold and cuddle while they recovered, always a lovely job!

There were other visitors during the week, Buckeye (Pam), Diegokitty (Michelle), Kittycat (Darlene and her son Jonathon, Christine and Sligh?? Some of them were there on Saturday to help with surgery day. I must thank Darlene and her son for letting me spend my last night in Kitty Kastle.

Sunday dawned and it was with very mixed feelings that I moved my gear out of Kitty Kastle and into Kitty City while I waited for Judy and husband Joe who wold take me through to Detroit.. I really hate saying goodbyes but at least it will not be too long before I am back again!! We had a great trip through and a good lunch top on the way. I want to thank Judy and Joe for taking me all the way to Detroit, and for then lovely lunch!!

Then to face the flights back to Napier. Detroit to Chicago was fine but the Chicago flight to Los Angeles was delayed by an hour, but wonders it arrived on time!! Then the long flight to Auckland, made easier by an upgrade to Business Class and a seat that turns into a bed! I managed some sleep so arrived in reasonable condition! We boarded the flight to Napier in clear conditions but by the time they decided to let us go it was too late, fog was approaching!! So off the plane and back to the lounge and soon the flight was turned from delayed into cancelled. I did not get home until 3.30 pm and was very tired by this time!! i want to thank Kiwinanz, Christine, for coming to the airport and keeping me company, most welcome! Honey took a few minutes to work out who I was but then welcomed me as only she can,loudly!!

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