Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday March 8 - a quiet day in Cleveland

OK, so I woke up, looked out of my window and there was a grey sky and it had rained overnight. The temperature was 32 degrees so down from yesterday and what a come down after such a beautiful day yesterday. Such is the perversity of Mother Nature, LOL!

Anyway, I needed to get a bit of exercise so I decided to see if I could get a postcard of Cleveland for someone and find Euclid Street which I managed to miss yesterday. 

I should have taken those photos yesterday, darn it, they will not look so good today! you only have to compare those taken today with previous ones to see the difference in the weather, LOL!!

Off I went and boy it was dead in Cleveland when I set out, it perked up a bit along Euclid which is part of the "real" Downtown according to a sign I saw. Almost all the shops are cafés or restaurants, the occasional bank and hotel breaks it up. 

I found my postcard and a stamp, in the Cleveland Information Centre, so I am happy. I then found yet another Starbucks and decided to try a Macciato, recommended by a friend. OMG, I had to have another of those, they are so good!

I was sitting minding my own business and this group of teenage girls came in with a couple of parents, one of the latter held the inner door open while they all piled in, gees people sure do not think! A bit later one of the girls held the inner door open again and some people came in, the wind blew one of my postcards off the table. I had to ask her to close the door, LOL!

I have to try and find a postbox on the way back, last batch of cards to send today, none outside the USA, not worth it as they can take a while to get to NZ! They must go the wrong way round the world, to the east rather than to the west! Ahhh, the hotel will look after the cards for me, phew!!

As I walked back to the hotel, the breeze was from the east so I was head first into the snow, thank goodness it was not a raging blizzard! It is however, snowing very steadily and not ready to stop yet!

thought the snow would not settle but it might if it carries on at this rate. Looks like it might be a hotel day today, I could not do another museum and it is not a day for wandering round too much. I do have things to do, I want to try and work out roughly how far I have travelled on my trip, by plane, car, train, bus and ferry! As for my feet, I just know I have covered a few miles but no way can I work that out or the local running around I have done with friends or on buses/trains/taxis.

As I finish the blog I look outside and the snow has indeed settled on the sidewalks and the temperature is now 29 degrees F, I cannot see much beyond about 300 - 400 yards up the road. So all this brings to mind a question, "Was yesterday an aberration?????". With that thought in mind I will go publish this!!

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