Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday February 5 - leaving Minnesnowta

Just a short blog tonight.

After a quiet morning, Connie and Joel dropped me off at my hotel in St. Paul as I am supposed to have an early start tomorrow with a 7.50 am departure for Chicago. I say supposed as we all know how late I was getting on on Saturday! As I write this the train is running 52 minutes late!

After Connie and Joel had left and i had sorted myself out, I went for a walk to stretch my legs and it was 1 degree F so I wrapped up warmly including the scarf across my face. However, my glasses kept steaming up so it made life a bit tricky!!

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Connie and Joel, good company and plenty of laughs! I also enjoyed their kitties, meeting up with three from FFRC was a bonus. We reckon that Ganache remembered me, he and I certainly seemed to hit it off. The look on his face though seemed to say, "I am sure I know you but where from????". LOL! Suzzie and Ebony also seemed more relaxed with me and had accepted me whereas with Willow it was a totally different story!

Thanks once more to Connie and Joel and I have it on good authority that spring is the best time to visit!! At least I have done the 'Winter' thing and totally understand how everyone feels about the snow and the cold! Farewell, Minnesnowta! 

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