Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday February 11 - The Willis Tower and Skyledge

Ok, I opened my hotel curtain and, guess what, it was blue sky and sun, again!!! Still cold but it just does not seem so bad when the sun shines!

I had some news that my lift to the Michigan Cat Project will not happen on Friday so I have decided to stay on in Chicago until Saturday and maybe I will get out to the Project early next week. 

Having looked at the offerings at the Field Museum, the Adler Planetarium and the Shedd Aquarium there is no way I could have done any of them justice in one day. So I can now spread them out and visit one each day left.

I needed to change my rail ticket so, after a late start, I caught the train to Quincy and headed for Union Station. With the change locked in I then headed to the Willis Tower where the Skydeck Ledge is located.

I want to stay and watch the sunset from the tower so hence did not want to arrive too early.

Once again, the views are fabulous although that distant haze is still present. 

There is a slightly different perspective than from the JH Observatory as this tower is to the south west of the JH.

I think this is better though, they have the views with numbers indicating what can be seen in each direction. 

Also, there is 360 degree viewing unlike at JH. I know winter is obviously the time for work to be done but there are a surprising number of visitors in Chicago at this time. I was chatting with someone from Columbus, Ohio today.

I have nothing to compare but I think the winter views with all the snow and ice are very beautiful. It is hard to imagine it any other way! 

I discovered that Chicago has 48 movable bridges, more than any other city in the world I believe! I also managed photos of the three places I am visiting in the next few days.

I found the Skyledge and it is a bit different to the glass area in the Toronto Tower. I as quite happy to step onto it and I had a lot of fun with a couple of young guys who were a bit dubious about it all. 

I told them it was OK and not to look down at first. I even helped one of them onto the glass, they were such fun guys, although one of the girl friends was not happy to step onto the glass. Most people seemed OK once they had taken their first step. 

A bit later on I offered to take a photo for some other guys, one of them asked me where I as from and we had quite a chat. 

He was trying his best to do an accent and asked me if it was Australian, English or New Zealand, I told him it was vaguely English, he laughed. 

A bit later on he found me again and we talked again briefly, he told me his name was Tony and then gave me a hug!! BTW I should say he was in his twenties! There is a first time for everything I guess.

As I had to wait for sunset, I sat and wrote some postcards to a few people, all I need to do now is address them and buy some stamps. There is a Post Office not far for the hotel so that will not be an issue.

Finally, the colours outside started to change and the sun began to sink towards the horizon, i was so beautiful and as the sun slowly disappeared the horizon was ablaze with colour. Then of course we watched the lights of Chicago come on and that added to the enjoyment. It was certainly worth waiting all afternoon for this!!

About 6 pm I decided it was time to leave and so headed for the station. I just missed a train so had to wait some time. Because of the way the loop works I had to go round it to get back to the station at Merchandise Mart. That was ok though as everything was lit up nicely!

Well, has anyone ever tried to get out of the Merchandise Mart about 7 pm? I had a coffee on my return there and there are very few signs that point to the different exits. 

None of the elevators wanted to work and I could not find the escalator, even after asking for directions. Finally, I found some stairs and took them down.

I then came across a sign saying that the Wells Street entrance/exit was closed so had to ask again for another exit. I finally escaped MM's clutches and only had to look for the railway line to know which way to head. I walked past the Wells Street entrance/exit and it was not closed, grrrrrr!!!  

I headed back to the hotel with no further misadventures although I must say I hope not to be out after dark too much, it sure felt very cold!!! Seemed to go through my clothes as if they were not there, and some of the items I was carrying were very cold when I returned to my hotel room. A thoroughly enjoyable day out!

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