Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday January 9 - Academy of Sciences, San Fran

Another good day today!! Weather started cloudy but by midday it was blue skies and sunshine once again. Today the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park was on the agenda. The design is very clever with the available space maximised to provide a wide variety of activities and viewing possibilities.We walked in past the Tropical Reef that has special lights to ensure that the conditions are what is required.
A frog about half an inch long!!

The Planetarium hosts various films and I went to watch the one on Earthquakes. I then met up with Wendy and Eliza again and we walked through the Tropical Rain Forest area. 

There were a variety of reptiles, birds and butterflies as we walked through different parts of the world!! on our way out we walked under an Aquarium and saw a variety of fish, including sharks and catfish!!

After lunch outside we went to the Earthquake exhibit and experienced a little bit of the 1986 and 1906 San Francisco Earthquakes. They were both strong shakes and it explains why there was so much damage.


On our way out we went into the store and saw one of the strangest snakes I have ever seen, it was fascinating - and I am not a snake person!!

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