Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday April 23, New York to MA

I woke just after 6.00 am which meant I had more sleep than on previous nights! I carried out my normal morning checks and also voted! Packed and secured my suitcase and then wandered down to breakfast. After that I checked out and went to hail a taxi having discovered that in New York one does not book a taxi!! This was a more interesting driver and at times I did have to close my eyes but I arrived in one piece thankfully and it did cost less that the previous trip. This due I suspect to the one way system! That system actually makes it easier for someone like myself who is used to looking the other way when crossing the road!

I found the Amtrak waiting room and hooked into the WiFi to check on emails and so on. I also started more work on my blog as I had fallen badly behind as one of the chatters had pointed out to me last night! We were called to board the train and I found a seat towards the rear as it was fairly crowded. It is useful that there is a regional train from New York as it means I do not have to go into Boston and change trains. Again, there was WiFi on the train so I was able to completely update my blog, yay!! Next I have to upload some of the best of my photos to my flickr account but that is not a job for the train WiFi. 

I was very lucky with my travel plans as this service was closed down last Friday due to the manhunt! The trip took us close to the coast and there were many bridges to cross, it was very pleasant and I am now able to put a few more states in their place in my ind so to speak. We spent a long time passing through Connecticut on this trip and stopped in Providence where one of my favourite TV shows was centred around.

So on to Westwood and a meeting with yet another on-line friend, mod Napa123!

Well, the rail trip was great,excellent views as we travelled close to the coast and lots of bridges to cross. Connecticut sure is a long state!! I love this trip though as I am beginning to put some of the states in their place, so to speak!! So about the time that we were supposed to reach my destination we stopped at this station, University South Station or some such. So I thought, we must be running late! Next station was not Westwood so I asked one of the conductors!! "Oh, Westwood was the last station", I was told!! Grrrrrrrrr! Why did no-one tell me it was not called Westwood on all the signs?????? The conductor was a very nice young man, told me to sit down and relax he would make sure I got put on a train back to Westwood!! So while he got busy I had to work out how to get a message to Napa, remember I have no cell phone yet! Ahhh FFRC and Jacci. So sent her a message from my IPad and asked if she could help me and contact Napa who had, of course, left her cell phone at home!!!!

Oh what a chapter of accidents!! Anyway, the nice young conductor came back with a note to hand over to the conductor on the other train. We pulled into Boston South and I just had to go out of our track, turn left and into the track next to it.This meant I had an unexpected ride on the Acela express, the seating is all Business Class except for First Class carriages..This pulled out after two minutes so at least timing was good and I eventually returned to where I should have been. Napa came down the overpass just as I was wondering!! She has had another nice young man who worked for Amtrak to help her so we are all OK but what an adventure!!

The hotel is very pleasant, the staff were very welcoming and what a nice big bedroom!! It was wet and very cool but that does not matter as long as it is fine on Thursday for the Freedom Trail it will be fine. After supper at Napa's I returned to my hotel to crash for the night. 

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